Healthy lunches

I’m getting to a point where I’m looking forward to eating the food I’m allowed to have, and am missing what I’m not allowed (bread, dairy) less and less.  I actually think I’ll keep eating the lunches I’ve been having once the cleanse is over.  I used to do a lot of pastas and sandwiches for lunch, but it’s really easy to make grain salads and a lot healthier.  I’ve also been enjoying the challenge of trying to eat more raw foods.  Even my almost 3-year old seems to be enjoying the lunches.  Here is a sample of what I’ve been having:

Broccoli and carrot cole slaw, quinoa with veggies and beans and diced avocado

Broccoli and carrot cole slaw, quinoa with veggies and beans and diced avocado

The grains I’ve been enjoying include quinoa, millet, and amaranth.  I typically do a Mexican-themed flavor or a Mediterranean one.  My Med version of quinoa is mixed with purple cabbage, kale, cannelleni beans, cucumbers, whole olives, and is served with hummus.  The grain salads keep well, so I can make a good sized batch and eat them for several meals over the next 24 hours.

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